Let’s consider a page on the fictitious domain ilmiosito.it dedicated to the writer Marcel Proust as the subject of our optimization. Imagine that the page is ranked decently for the main keyword [marcel proust] but still has room for optimization to improve its ranking through an increase in internal links to it.
First of all, to identify the number of internal links on the page in question, we will crawl the site with ScreamingFrog (or another similar tool). Assuming that the landing page on Marcel Proust has only a couple of internal links, we can confidently say that increasing the internal links wouldn’t be a bad idea…
Using one of Google’s so-called advanced search commands, we now search for the pages on the site with the text string “Marcel Proust,” which can obviously be used later as anchor text for internal links:
intext:marcel proust site:ilmiosito.it
To ensure that Google displays all the indexed pages containing the keyword [marcel proust], we will modify the search engine settings to show 100 results instead of the usual 10:

At this point, using the Google SERPs Extractor bookmarklet [to obtain it, simply go to this page and follow the instructions in step 6], we will scrape the results of our site containing the keyword.

Instructions to Obtain and Activate the Google SERPs Extractor Bookmarklet
The pages obtained in this way will be those from which to point internal links to the landing page using the exact anchor [marcel proust] contained within them. Now, we only need to decide whether it is worth creating an internal link on all the pages or selecting only those that we believe can give a greater boost.
If we choose the second option, the selection of the “linking” pages can be made based on the backlinks of each page. To create a good report of the backlinks only for the pages in question (and not for all the URLs of the site), it is worth using a Batch Analysis, a feature available, for example, in Ahrefs.
So, it only remains to choose the pages with the greatest quantity/quality of backlinks and create our internal links with anchor text [marcel proust] to the landing page.
Special thanks to Luciano Passavanti for the suggestions.